Conference Topics:

We welcome contributions across the topics including, but not limited to:


-       Dialogue in Literature and the media

-       Dialogue between Literature and medicine:  'The neurology of narrative'

-       Auto/biography Studies and Exchange of subjectivity

-       Trauma and Testimony

-       Representation of refugees and asylum seekers in Literature, film and the media

-       Post-Postmodernism and embracing difference

-       The Cyborg culture in Literature and film

-       Ecocriticism in Literature and film

-       Feminism in a new decade

-       Cultural Politics and Dialogue

-       The cultural perspective of the other in "The Belt and Road Initiative" studies 



-       Sociolinguistic approaches to cultural exchange

-        Pragmatics and cultural conceptualization 

-        Applied cultural linguistics

-        Discourse analysis and global implications

-       Power and Language  

-        Semantics and cultural linguistics

-        Psycholinguistics across languages and cultures

-       Computational Linguistics and the technological turn

-       neurolinguistics and linguistic aphasiology

-       Cognitive Linguistics and Cognitive Anthropology

-       Languages and the refugee crisis

-       Forensic Linguistics in Immigrant societies

-       Pragma-dialectics and Argumentation

-       Linguistics and economics

-       Anthropological Linguistics

-       Medical Linguistics

-       Jargon in Sport Discourse

-       Transcultural Studies in Linguistics


3- Translation Studies

-       Translation in Gendered texts.

-       Power relations and ethics in translation and interpretation.

-       Translating/interpreting minorities and conflict.

-       Multimodality and meaning in translation.

-       Translation and crowdsourcing.

-       Digital technologies and translation.

-        Professional/non-professional translators and interpreters in the new emerging online media landscape.

-       Global audio-visual translation modes.

-       Sacred Texts across cultures and languages

-       Corpus-based translation studies